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Installing AST Metrics

Downloading binaries

AST Metrics is built in Golang, and distributed as binary.

You don't need anything, simply download the correct binary for your platform.

Run the following command to download the latest version of AST Metrics:

curl -s|bash

Be careful when running scripts from the internet. Always check the content of the script before running it.

Download the binary for your platform (run uname -m in your terminal to get your architecture):

  • amd64 (most common)
  • arm64 (for Raspberry Pi)
  • i386 (for old 32-bit systems)

Download the binary for your platform (run uname -m in your terminal to get your architecture):

Download the binary for your platform (run uname -m in your terminal to get your architecture):

If you don't know what is your image architecture, the simplest way consists in running the following command in your container:

# run this command in your container. 
# For example, execute `docker exec -it my-container bash` to open a shell in your container

echo "OS: $(uname -s), Arch: $(uname -m)"

It will show you the OS and architecture of the container.

For example, if the output is OS: Linux, Arch: x86_64, you should download the amd64 binary for Linux.

go install

Verify Installation

Verify that the installation worked by opening a new terminal session and listing AST Metrics's available subcommands.

ast-metrics --help

You should see the help message with the available subcommands.


If you get an error that the command ast-metrics is not found, you may need to add the directory where the binary is located to your PATH.